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Moun Airtime

Mobile network operator: Moun
Destination country: Dominican Republic
Local currency: Dominican Peso (DOP)
Top up details
Taxes & fees: None
Time till credit is applied: Less than 1 minute
Recharge restrictions: None

Find out more about Moun and see for yourself how fast and easy it is to top up a mobile phone in the Dominican Republic. It only takes three little steps!

Country codes & mobile number examples - +

Moun cell phone number example

A complete dominican Moun number always has a total of 11 numbers in international format.

These 11 numbers are made up of three parts:
- the international dialing code +1 or 001 (which is used by all countries in North America and the Caribbean)
- the 3-digit country-specific area code which is also known as NPA (Numbering Plan Area) or NDC (National Destination Code)
- the 7-digit phone number of the user

In addition and beside a few other countries in the world, the Dominican Republic is special regarding dialing codes, since it has three country codes. Over and above that, geographic mobile numbers are used as well by which it's not possible to distinguish landline from mobile numbers.

The following table shows the components of a dominican Claro mobile number:

International country code:
+1 or 001
Area code (NPA/NDC):
7 digits
7 digits
7 digits
Phone number example/s:
+1 809 1234567
+1 829 1234567
+1 849 1234567

Moun key informations - +

Corporate figures:

Founded: 2011
Headquarter: Santo Domingo
Formerly known as: -
Parent company: -
Services & products: Mobile services
Competitors: Claro, Orange, Tricom, Viva
Email: [email protected]
Phone: n/a
Address: Calle Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Region: Caribbean
Timezone: UTC -4
Language: Spanish
Local currency: Dominican Peso (DOP)
Number of customers: n/a
Mobile subscribers: n/a
Marketshare: n/a
Network coverage: n/a
Regulating authority: Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (Indotel)
Technology: n/a
Status as of: 07/2015

Moun company profile - +



Special offer - +

Good news

On a regular basis, utransto offers bonus promotions towards different mobile network operators worldwide. Thus, the purchased recharge amounts during a certain period of time will be topped-up e.g. doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc. for free or allocated with other bonuses.

Do you want to be informed early enough when the next Moun bonus promotion comes up?
Just activate the "Deal alert" through the tab below and you will be notified for free.

Deal alert - +

Don’t want to miss a bonus promotion?

The following field allows you to benefit from Moun promotions.

utransto takes your privacy very seriously. You will only recieve emails about Moun bonus promotions. Your email address will not be shared with third parties. The cancellation of the bonus alert is possible at any time.

Video tutorial - +

How to recharge a Moun cell phone?

This video tutorial explains step by step how easy it is to recharge a mobile phone using utransto
