Mobile network operator: | Lidl Connect |
Destination country: | Germany |
Local currency: | Euro (EUR) |
Taxes & fees: | None |
Time till credit is applied: | Less than 1 minute |
Recharge restrictions: | None |
Online recharge for a german Lidl Connect mobile
Germany country code: |
0049 or +49 |
Lidl Connect code/s: |
+1520 |
+1522 |
+1523 |
+1524 |
+1525 |
Number: |
7 digits |
7 digits |
7 digits |
7 digits |
7 digits |
Phone number example/s: |
+49 1520 1234567 |
+49 1522 1234567 |
+49 1523 1234567 |
+49 1524 1234567 |
+49 1525 1234567 |
Founded: | 2010 |
Headquarter: | Düsseldorf |
Formerly known as: | Lidl Mobile (now Fonic Mobile) |
Parent company: | Vodafone Group |
Services & products: | Mobilfunk, Internet |
Competitors: | AldiTalk, NettoKom, Penny Mobil |
Email: | [email protected] |
Phone: | +49 172 222 20 22 |
Website: | |
Address: | LIDL Connect Kundenbetreuung Postfach 100 254 16285 Schwedt |
Region: | Europe |
Timezone: | GMT +1:00 |
Language: | German |
Local currency: | Euro (EUR) |
Customer base: | n.a. |
Mobile subscribers: | n.a. |
Marketshare: | n.a. |
Network coverage: | 99 % GSM 99 % 3G 99 % UMTS |
Regulating authority: | Bundesnetzagentur |
Technology: | GSM 900 GSM 1800 UMTS 2100 |
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