Service +498938153621 (Mon. - Fri. 10 PM - 6 PM)
You do not yet have an account with utransto or are about to sign up?
Below you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about signing up with utransto.
You are registered with utransto and have questions about your account.
In this section you can find the answers.
Topping up prepaid mobile phones is fast and easy!
In case you still have questions, you will find answers here.
At utransto our customers can choose how they would like to pay.
For more information about payment options and other details click below.
With our bonus point scheme we give back to our customers.
If you want to find out more about what bonus points are and how you can collect them, continue reading here.
You can get a voucher by converting your bonus points.
How this works and what you can use vouchers for will be explained here.
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