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Orange Airtime

Mobile network operator: Orange
Destination country: Cameroon
Local currency: CFA-Franc (XAF)
Top up details
Taxes & fees: None
Time till credit is applied: Less than 1 minute
Recharge restrictions: None

Recharge a cameroonian Orange mobile quickly and safe

Country codes & mobile number examples - +

Orange cellphone number example

A complete cameroonian cellphone number is composed of three parts: "The country area code, the mobile code and the phone number.
The individual constituents and thus the numbering plan of Orange mobile numbers in Cameroon are specified below.

Cameroon country code:
00237 or +237
Orange code/s:
8 digits
8 digits
8 digits
8 digits
8 digits
Phone number example/s:
+234 940 12345
+234 941 12345
+234 942 12345
+234 943 12345
+234 96 123456

Orange key informations - +

Corporate figures:

Founded: 02-15-2000
Headquarter: Douala
Formerly known as: Mobilis
Parent company: Orange SA
Services & products: Mobile, Internet
Competitors: MTN, Nextel
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +237 233 41 00 00
Address: Orange Cameroon, Rue Franqueville
PO Box: 1864 Douala Cameroon
Region: Africa
Timezone: GMT +1:00
Language: English, French
Local currency: CFA-Franc (XAF)
Customer base: 6.6 m (June 2018)
Mobile subscribers: 6.6 m (June 2018)
Marketshare: 35.7 %
Network coverage: 97 % (2019)
Regulating authority: MINPOSTEL
Technology: 2G, 3G
Status as of: 04-08-2019

Orange company profile - +


Despite its name, Orange Cameroon is part of a French company with a multinational and worldwide presence. Orange is the twelfth largest mobile operator in the world and also very significant in Europe. In addition to the focus on mobile services, the parent company also provides telephone connections, Internet, television and music services. Orange Cameroon has a branch in Central Africa. The mobile communications market in Cameroon is experiencing slight and steady growth. There are various innovations, such as stricter requirements for the identification of subscribers. Orange adapts to current conditions and is a reliable partner for Cameroonians and international customers. With Orange Cameroon, the expansion of 3G and 4G networks and thus communication via Internet services and messengers has been expanded. Mobile payment options were also further developed and supported. A completely revised network already covers almost 30,000 locations and almost 100 percent of municipalities and cities. Almost 85 percent of Cameroon's streets are covered by the Orange network. This also enables permissible communication outside the conurbations. Other services such as cloud networks, virtual platforms and a stable, fast Internet with fiber-optic technology also support industry and companies in their efficient work.

Private customers also appreciate the offerings in the prepaid segment. This offers full cost control and transparent consumption. Orange Cameroon is a subsidiary of the former France Télécom S.A., which was an early pioneer in the mobile phone market. In fact, the branch in Cameroon has also been in existence since 2010, which makes it a trustworthy and guiding sign for the industry. Thanks to the numerous possibilities, prepaid offers can even be topped up online and from many locations. The new legislation means that SIM cards will be monitored more closely and will only be offered by authorised dealers and no longer on the street. This also ensures better security for all customers. Today, the mobile phone is not only used for communication, but is also used for many services including payment. Orange Cameroon helps with secure processing and is still easily accessible for new customers. There are so many tailor-made solutions for the mobile Internet that start with data packages limited to one day. Regular customers as well as tourists can enjoy optimal service and plan their costs well.

Another special feature is the commitment of the Orange Foundation. It was founded back in 1987 by France Telecom and was finally renamed after the company was taken over. Since its inception, around 300 to 400 different charitable projects have been supported. Local projects in developing countries are also gladly supported and promoted on a long-term basis. Orange Cameroon is thus part of a global company that has helped to define and promote the mobile communications sector locally.

Special offer - +

Good news

On a regular basis, utransto offers bonus promotions towards different mobile network operators worldwide. Thus, the purchased recharge amounts during a certain period of time will be topped-up e.g. doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc. for free or allocated with other bonuses.

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Video tutorial - +

How to recharge a Orange cellphone?

This video tutorial explains step by step how easy it is to recharge a mobile phone using utransto
