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Syma Airtime

Mobile network operator: Syma
Destination country: France
Local currency: Euro (EUR)
Top up details
Taxes & fees: None
Time till credit is applied: Less than 1 minute
Recharge restrictions: None

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Country codes & mobile number examples - +

Syma cellphone number example

A complete french cellphone number is composed of three parts: "The country area code, the mobile code and the phone number.
The individual constituents and thus the numbering plan of Syma mobile numbers in France are specified below.

France country code:
0033 or +33
Syma code/s:
8 digits
8 digits
Phone number example/s:
+33 6 12345678
+33 7 12345678

Syma key informations - +

Corporate figures:

Founded: 2008
Headquarter: Paris
Formerly known as: -
Parent company: Syma Corp SAS
Services & products: Mobile, Internet
Competitors: Vectone mobile, GTMobile, Lyca
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +33 170 92 90 92
Address: Syma Mobile
153 Avenue d´italie
75013 Paris France
Region: Europe
Timezone: GMT 1:00
Language: French
Local currency: Euro (EUR)
Customer base: n.a.
Mobile subscribers: n.a.
Marketshare: n.a.
Network coverage: 42 % 4G / 99% 3G
Regulating authority: ARCEP
Technology: GSM, GPRS, EDGE
Status as of: 04-01-2019

Syma company profile - +


Syma France is a strong partner for Europe. The mobile phone provider distinguishes its self with its offers in the prepaid sector. They were one of the first to exclusively offer a 100 percent European package. Since the roaming regulations have changed and the cost of using minutes, SMS or data options within the European Union has been reduced, international surfing and telephoning has never been easier. Syma was founded in Paris in 2008. As one of the capitals of the world, people of many nations do not feel at home only in the metropolis. Inspired by the colorful interplay of different cultures, Syma focused early on networking different locations and countries.

In addition to mobile communications, there are also solutions for the Internet. Syma France has good coverage in the mobile network for 3G and 4G. Other connection speeds such as LTE and HSPA are offered in line with the modern innovation. For a longer stay in France it is recommended to use a French SIM card. This enables full cost transparency and optimal use of the network there. Syma France already has dealers in more than 90 locations, and this beyond the borders of the country. The range extends as far as India and Morocco. Accordingly, the fares compliment the needs of all travelers and all those at home throughout Europe and the world.

Tariffs and flat rates for the national domestic market will be expanded to include data and language options for Europe and Syma France destinations. The fixed destinations include holiday destinations such as Costa Rica, the Bahamas, the Balearic Islands, Finland, but also Asian countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, Japan and much more. Syma France is internationally well connected and facilitates communication almost everywhere.

Beside Syma mobile, there is the Syma news which provides an interesting news portal. Innovations in technology, arts, the cultural sector or sports are highlighted. This makes it clear that the French company has its finger on the pulse at all times. Innovations in mobile communications are implemented and realized in a timely manner. The so-called European passport for almost borderless mobile communications in Europe is just one example. With prepaid, the credit can be recharged and used individually. There are adjustable tariffs for regular use or longer stays as well as for short holidays.

Special offer - +

Good news

On a regular basis, utransto offers bonus promotions towards different mobile network operators worldwide. Thus, the purchased recharge amounts during a certain period of time will be topped-up e.g. doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc. for free or allocated with other bonuses.

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Video tutorial - +

How to recharge a Syma cellphone?

This video tutorial explains step by step how easy it is to recharge a mobile phone using utransto
